Animal Traks Children’s Flip Flop

Nature’s love and all wild things is the essence of Animal Traks.
John Muir, the founder of Sierra Club and champion of Yosemite so gracefully wrote;
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you… while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”
— John Muir
So, presenting you some great Animal Foot Print Sandals for Nature Lovers and Animal Lovers right here on;

You can choose and order from 4 different pattern of animal footprints which I am sure will be loved by your cutie pies:

1. Tiger Print Flip Flops 



Flip Flops that leave tiger, lion and cat  paw prints in sand, mud , dirt and  wet pavement

2. Bear Paw Print Flip Flops 


Bear flip flops for children loving bears

3. T-Rex Print Flip Flops


Tyrannosaurus Rex / Dinosaur Flip Flops for the boys and girls in your life.

4. Wolf Paw Print Flip Flops 


Bio mimicry Flip Flops that leave wolf and dog prints